As I pulled up the anchor to leaveMarshHarbour I heard this bird cry. I looked up and circling above our boat was a huge Osprey. He obviously wanted my attention because he kept crying out until I noticed him. He then flew away to soar over the land.He was beautiful. On our way to Little Harbour we saw six dolphins. Two of them were babies. These were a bit playful as they got in front of the boat and under the hulls letting us get a good look at them. Tessa was thrilled. She has wanted to see dolphins and whales. That night we anchored at Little Harbour and ate at Pete’s Pub. It was a celebration night as one year ago today we bought Alegria. That was a big day for us!! We had flown to Tortola in June and found her in Sophers Hole, and then our closing date was July 19.